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Imperfect by CNA Insider

Dec 22, 2023

Imperfect by CNA Insider

Danial Shahrin, 29, and his wife had set out not wanting to give their 2-year-old any screen time. Then life got in the way, and TV became a convenient tool. But when Danial realised his son's speech was lagging behind his peers', he wondered if they’d done wrong by him. Is there really a link between screen time and speech delay?

And how can screen time be used beneficially? Some expert-recommended shows for toddlers and young children include: Ms Rachel - Toddler Learning Videos, Paisley's Corner with Silly Miss Lily, Dora the Explorer and Sesame Street.

If you’ve got a view on the topic or a story idea for future episodes, reach out at cnainsider [at]

Credits: Host: Lianne Chia Sound Design: Jonathan Yeo Supervising Editors: Yvonne Lim and Crispina Robert

Danial Shahrin, 29, and his wife had set out not wanting to give their 2-year-old any screen time. Then life got in the way, and TV became a convenient tool. But when Danial realised his son's speech was lagging behind his peers', he wondered if they’d done wrong by him. Is there really a link between screen time and speech delay?

And how can screen time be used beneficially? Some expert-recommended shows for toddlers and young children include: Ms Rachel - Toddler Learning Videos, Paisley's Corner with Silly Miss Lily, Dora the Explorer and Sesame Street.

If you’ve got a view on the topic or a story idea for future episodes, reach out at cnainsider [at]

Credits: Host: Lianne Chia Sound Design: Jonathan Yeo Supervising Editors: Yvonne Lim and Crispina Robert

Tam Wai Jia, 35, had always known that humanitarian work would be her life. She had even spent a year serving in Uganda with her husband. But when the doctor was given a chance to go to Africa on a medical mission for seven weeks, her first instinct was to say no - because it took her away from her daughters aged two and four at the time. She talks about making that decision and the lessons she learnt.

If you’ve got a view on the topic or a story idea for future episodes, reach out at cnainsider [at]


Host: Lianne ChiaSound Design: Jonathan YeoSupervising Editors: Yvonne Lim and Crispina Robert

‘Ivy’, 58, wanted to depart from her traditional, strict upbringing and give her two children more freedom of choice. She talks about how all that had to change when her teenage daughter developed an eating disorder - and how she painstakingly rebuilt her relationship with her daughter.

If you’ve got a view on the topic or a story idea for future episodes, reach out at cnainsider [at]

Caregivers Alliance Limited (CAL) is a non-profit organisation in Singapore providing support for caregivers of those with mental health issues. Click here for more information on their caregiver training programmes.


Host: Lianne ChiaSound Design: Jonathan YeoAssistance: Ko’e TanSupervising Editors: Yvonne Lim and Crispina Robert

Kris Tan, 41, is a stay-home dad who "worked from home before it was cool". With his wife working long hours, he takes care of his two young daughters. With unflinching honesty and self-deprecating humour, he talks about his battle with depression, and how the experience influenced his parenting journey.

If you’ve got a view on the topic or a story idea for future episodes, reach out at cnainsider [at]

This episode deals with discussions of depression and self-harm. If you or a loved one need help, here are some helplines you can call:

Samaritans of Singapore: 1767, Institute of Mental Health: 6389 2222, and the Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800 283 7019

You can also find a list of international helplines here.

Credits:Host: Lianne ChiaSound Design: Jonathan YeoAssistance: Ko’e Tan, Daniel LeeSupervising Editors: Yvonne Lim and Crispina Robert

Teo Pau Lin, 52, saw herself as "too cool" for tuition. She wanted her two girls to spend time on their hobbies and with their family, and was perfectly fine with them getting Bs in school. But when her older daughter did badly for her PSLE, it made her question everything. Hear her profound realisation about life in a neighbourhood school.

If you’ve got a view on the topic or a story idea for future episodes, reach out at cnainsider [at]

Credits:Host: Lianne ChiaSound Design: Jonathan YeoAssistance: Ko’e TanSupervising Editors: Yvonne Lim and Crispina Robert