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Solar Tubes Explained (2023)

Sep 20, 2023

Solar tubes, also known as tubular skylights or sun tunnels, provide natural lighting by channeling sunlight through your roof structure. Since they have a more compact design than traditional skylights, you can use solar tubes in a variety of home applications. Natural lighting is free to use and of higher quality than artificial lighting, plus it can help lower your electricity costs.

In this article, we at the Guides Home Team will cover what you need to know about solar tube lighting so you can decide if it is a good fit for your home. Read on to learn how solar tubes function, what they cost and if they are worth the investment.

Much like a skylight, solar tubes are a form of natural lighting that can help to brighten your home. In simple terms, a solar tube is a device that connects the external surface of your roof with the internal surface of your ceiling. They have a polished and reflective internal surface, which means they can capture sunlight from any angle. Here's a quick outline of how solar tubes work:

At a glance, the bottom ends of tubular skylights can seem identical to traditional lighting fixtures. They are an excellent option for homes with an architecture that is not suitable for conventional skylights.Solar tubes can help lower your electricity consumption by relying on free lighting during the day. But since solar tubes depend on sunlight, you will need an electric lighting system for nighttime and cloudy days. You can combine solar tubes with LED lighting to achieve greater energy savings. LED lighting fixtures offer maximum energy efficiency — they can achieve energy savings of over 30% compared to compact fluorescent lights and over 80% compared to halogen lamps.

Tubular skylights can also achieve synergy with home solar panels. Solar tubes can help you save on lighting, while panels generate solar energy to power your home lighting, appliances and electronics. If you are interested in going solar, check out our guide to the top solar providers to learn more.

Tubular skylights have pros and cons like any other lighting system. While solar tubes can help you save on electricity costs by providing natural lighting, you should be aware of their limitations.

Some sun tunnels are designed for a do-it-yourself (DIY) installation, while others must be set up by professionals. The below figures are cost estimates based on our team's market research:

The main disadvantage of a DIY solar tube installation is the risk of voiding your roof warranty. You should contact your roofing provider before installing any tubular skylights yourself — your provider may conserve your warranty if you opt for a professional installation. You can also ask if your provider offers solar tube installation service.

Generally, DIY solar tubes are designed for a specific type of roof. For example, if you purchase a tubular skylight designed specifically for asphalt shingles, you cannot install it on ceramic tile or sheet metal roofs.

You may also get better warranty conditions from a solar tube manufacturer if you get a professional installation. Depending on the sun tunnel brand and model, you can get warranty coverage of 10 years or more. Another reason to get professional installation is safety. Even if you purchase a DIY solar tube, the installation will involve working at a height on your roof.

Tubular skylights that meet ENERGY STAR requirements qualify for the federal solar tax credit, which you can also claim for solar panels. However, there is an important difference:

Solar tubes are a cost-effective lighting alternative in homes and buildings that require constant brightness during the day. Natural lighting is also much higher quality than any artificial source, even when compared to the best light bulbs on the market. Solar tubes offer an easy way to incorporate light into smaller, dark spaces in your home like your bathroom, closets or laundry room

From a cost standpoint, solar tubes may not benefit homeowners who are constantly away during the day. Solar tunnels can help you save money on electricity by using natural light, but this may not matter if you switch off your light fixtures anyway when away from home. Solar tubes and traditional skylights are also architectural features used as a design choice, not necessarily because of potential electricity savings.

You can expect to pay around $500 for a DIY solar tube, and the cost increases to around $1,000 with professional installation. However, the extra investment for an easy installation done by professionals offers several benefits:

Traditional skylights are much more expensive, with costs that sometimes exceed $2,000. However, they can improve your interior design by providing abundant natural light and a clear view of the sky in main areas like your living room.

Regardless of the type of skylights you choose, keep in mind they are a complement and not a full replacement for traditional lighting fixtures. You will still need artificial lighting at night and on cloudy days when sunlight is drastically reduced.

If you have an old roof that will need a replacement soon, installing solar tubes might not be the best idea. You will be forced to remove and reinstall the sun tunnels during the roof replacement, which can damage the tubes or void their warranty.

Yes, but make sure to purchase solar tubes that are designed specifically for your roof material and pitch angle. Adapting solar tubes for a roof type not specified by the manufacturer can lead to water leakage issues, and you may void the product warranty.

The main limitation of tubular skylights is their dependence on sunlight. They provide no natural light at night and limited light on cloudy days. Solar tubes are also incompatible with some roof designs and may affect the warranty provided by your roofing contractor.

Based on our market research, you can expect to pay around $500 for a DIY solar tube or $1,000 if you prefer a professional installation. Traditional square-shaped skylights can cost over $2,000.

High-quality solar tubes are durable and have no moving parts subject to mechanical wear. Plus, leading brands like Solatube offer a 10-year warranty. Installing solar tubes on a compatible roof according to the manufacturer's instructions can ensure a longer service life. Although a DIY installation is less expensive, you can avoid water leakage and warranty issues by using a professional installer.

While there are many brands to choose from, Natural Light, Solatube and VELUX sun tunnels are among the most well-known. The best solar tubes for your home will depend on a few factors, like your roof, budget and if you want additional perks. For example, VELUX has a night light that works similarly to solar batteries by storing sunlight during the day to power LED bulbs attached to your sun tunnel at night.

Leonardo David is an electromechanical engineer, MBA, energy consultant and technical writer. His energy-efficiency and solar consulting experience covers sectors including banking, textile manufacturing, plastics processing, pharmaceutics, education, food processing, real estate and retail. He has also been writing articles about energy and engineering topics since 2015.

Tori Addison is an editor who has worked in the digital marketing industry for over five years. Her experience includes communications and marketing work in the nonprofit, governmental and academic sectors. A journalist by trade, she started her career covering politics and news in New York's Hudson Valley. Her work included coverage of local and state budgets, federal financial regulations and health care legislation.

Electricity savings: High-quality lighting: Compact low-profile design: Simple maintenance: Affordable: No glare effects: Sunlight dependent: Not suitable for all roof types: Limited design: Potential humidity problems: May impact your roof warranty: Leonardo David Tori Addison