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How to make a perfect paella (even if you put chorizo in it!)

Jun 14, 2023

In one way we’ve got Jamie Oliver to thank for knowing how to make the perfect paella — or "proper good paella" as he might say. When in 2016 the Naked Chef added chorizo to his "classic paella" he made a grave error, offending Spanish foodies who thought it was blasphemous that sausage would ever go in the pan — a crime against paella.

Spurred on by Oliver's transgression, Spanish foodies went in search of what real paella is and last year the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science presented the results: an authentic paella made the way its Valencian creators intended — paella Valenciana as it's known — has a strict set of ingredients: olive oil, chicken, rabbit, green beans, tomatoes, sweet paprika,